Please allow us to re-introduce true, a home for essays and writing on the craft of nonfiction in its many forms, as well as reviews, interviews, and criticism.
After I googled Lisa Romeo—writer, essayist, writing coach, ghost writer, editor for two literary journals, MFA thesis director for Bay Path University, adjunct professor for..
Bill Roorbach, writer, teacher, mentor, musician, playwright, poet, cross-country skier, canoer, naturalist, father, husband, funny-guy, birder, stalwart friend and non-microwave-user is, along with his collection..
TRUE editor, Dina Relles, asked several nonfiction writers about their working and writing lives. Below is a composite of their thoughtful, varied answers—a collage of..
Who should go to storytelling—or “live lit”—events? Humans should. Sure, many in the audience are writers like myself, who have been on both sides of..
Over the last three months, TRUE called for micro-essays that recounted conversations that bridged two opposing view points. Sharing a true story requires courage.This “BRIDGES”..
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