I Categories Flotsam If I Could Ramble I came to nonfiction late in my writing life. It was always something others were doing, something I wasn’t able to do myself. Writing an..
I Categories Interview Interview with Sarah Shotland Sarah Shotland’s “On Visiting Prison Again,” won Proximity’s 2016 Personal Essay Prize. When selected, Judge Paul Lisicky described the essay as follows: “This is a piece by..
8 Categories Flotsam 8 Stories in Sound I think some of the best stories in sound are about relationships we have with other humans. I suppose most stories in any medium are..
T Categories Craft The Caretakers One of my most-loved stories as a small child was Caretakers of Wonder, a beautifully illustrated picture book about the people who light the stars..
O Categories Review On Chicago’s Crown Fountain Like any great and beautiful beast, a city lives as an organism full of living organisms. A city thrives when the organisms within it thrive...